Thursday, May 24, 2018

15 August Speech in English - Independence Day Speech In English 2019

15 August Speech in English - Independence Day Speech In English 2019
15 August Speech in English - Independence Day Speech In English 2018
15 August Speech in English - Independence Day Speech In English 2019

Dear Friends,

At the outset of the speech, I would extend my well- wishes to you all on this auspicious occasion of 73rd Independence Day of India. Our country is a very big country with lot of diversities like religion, caste, creed, region and language. This day is celebrated by every Indian irrespective of his religion, caste, creed, region, and lingual group. This spirit of 'unity in diversity' was at the root of getting freedom from the British rule. This is the spirit that kept our country as a unit for last 73 years. This is the spirit which is making our country an economic power and a super power to be reckoned with. This spirit did not build in a day. But, it is the hard work of our foresighted leaders during the period of freedom struggle. Mahatma Gandhi and his followers instill the confidence in the people from all the diversities that their unity is the foremost requirement of freedom and independence. Our unity worked and the British rule ended on 15th of August 1947. I take this opportunity to salute these freedom fighters who put their lives at stake for the country and lived up to the spirit of unity.

After achieving the independence, our great leaders cherished the ethos of freedom movement in the Constitution of the nation. We are secular democratic republic and our constitution guarantees the dignity of the individual to strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation. Our constitution is the document respected by every Indian.

We have to remain cautious from the disruptive plans of some corrupt politicians and persons of vested interest who are raising the parochial issues to damage the national fabric of unity and integrity. Some anti-national forces are using corruption and terrorism as the tools to retard our economic development and prosperity of the country. 

Today is the most opportune day to redeem our pledge for unity and integrity of the nation. We also pledge to stand united against corruption and terrorism.

Jai Hind!

Speech 2

It was the night august 1947. As the drums rolled and celebrations blew the midnight hour, India moved from foreign rule to independence. In the flash of freedom, our leaders spoke in a new tongue, they breathed a new spirit into dry bones of a dried nation.
First of all, let us turn ourselves to the graves of our martyrs and late national leaders who laid their lives at the after of our motherland and ask inspiration of those who died for us all, because the giants like Gandhiji, Netaju, Tilak are not with us but the courage of the old is with us still.
Binayak Damodar Savekar, widely known as vir savarkar, the great revolutionary warrior of India, rightly said to advanced nations of the world 60 years ago that “if you come with us, if you do not come with us, without you and if you oppose in spite of you we go ahead." And exactly that today India says to the advanced world that if you help us, with you, if you do not without your help and if you oppose in spite of you, we shall go ahead without policies.

Look at India today, we have gained a splendor of military glory which places us by the side of the greatest military nations in the world. Every sea has opened by our arms, in the moon in the space in the highest peak of the world. Himalaya, in science and democracy everywhere and everywhere India showed its presence within the 64 years of its independence. Challenging the world all the more" in you come with you, if you do not come without you, if you oppose in spite of you, we will go ahead."

so those were the two amazing 15 August Speech in English hope you like it ,please comment your thoughts on this.Have a nice Day.

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